"That is not my shirt that is my sandwich"
A few days ago I was enjoying a trip to the mall with my friend Neil and our wondering brought us into the Gap. Lately I have found myself buying a lot of clothing items from the gap and probably should not be because of how expensive everything is. Yet I cannot avoid the waffle shirts. However, Neil was looking at the argyle socks and comparing which he has bought and how none of the others look appealing. I told him I liked one pair because it looked strikingly similar to a shirt I had just bought. As I went to show Neil my shirt in comparison to his socks I opened my sandwich bag and looked down to proclaim "That is not my shirt that is my sandwich" and immediately we both began to laugh and walk out the door. At the time it seemed like such a silly mistake to make and probably because of the snowy day and the fact we were bored out of our mind this joke seemed very funny.
It led me to start thinking about our easily our minds can jump for one topic to another. One second it is argyle socks and the next minute you are talking about Kevin Smith movies (which is what happened directly after the joke). For the most part I feel like my mind moves very fast and sometimes too fast, which makes me very aware when my mind begins to slow and that can be scary. I think this is why older people get cranky quite often, because your mind slowing down is a scary thing and I would complain about everything as well.
As I am writing this blog I witnessed a guitar hero commercial featuring Tony Hawk on drums, Michael Phelps on Bass, ARod on Guitar, and Kobe Bryant singing. I am in shock and quite blown, so writing the rest of this blog has just become a heavy task. That commercial just did not make sense, and I am pretty sure the sky is falling...actually it is.
Regarding the sky falling, I experienced a very similar scene today while traveling in New Hampshire. I have been up in this area to 1. visit my gf Selina and 2. visit my uncle Michael. However on the way back from the second location I found myself under the sky as it was falling. First of course is the insulation that comes down (snow) and it was coming down enough that I drove into one snow bank and could not exceed a speed of 40 mph on the highway, which has become one barely plowed lane. All I can say is thank god for rumble strips.
I now sit in Dover in a Hilton in a suite with two flat screen LCD tv's, a kitchenette, and an amazing hot tub. Funny how things work out sometimes, but maybe the end is near and I am just very lucky.
Anyways the end of this blog was supposed to be different but that commercial threw me very offtrack, and now I don't even want to play guitar hero. See For Yourself.
A Family of Trees Wanted, to be Haunted,
Mix Tapes For Going to the Dentist
While visiting Neil at Amherst he stumbled upon this very interesting site, it is called Tiny Mix Tapes and the idea of the site is that people would post their mix tape topic ideas, then someone would respond by making the mixtape and the admin for the site would determine which ones go up. Not long ago I sent in a mixtape in response to the topic "You kissed another girl right in front of me and this is the mixtape I hoping you'd make to apologize".
To my surprise my mixtape was actually put on the site. I suddenly felt like the mixtape I had made and the others on the site were art forms, each song selected and placed in a specific spot for a specific reason. There can be a lot of thought put into the arrangement of songs and it seems that we have decided that meaning can be created by mixing various songs, to the point where we can create a mixtape for the topic "make me your girlfriend or you’ll never see me naked again."
I went to the dentist today, which is an appointment most people would not mind missing. However, I do not usually mind going to dentist since its pretty short and all you have to do is lie there, which is probably a reason some girls don't mind bad sex, sometimes.
While lying in the office though I noticed how each dentist had their own little rooms that they worked in, and in each room was a number of pictures. Some of them had paintings, mostly bizarre paintings that seemed not to mean anything. I wonder if they get to choose the paintings or if they have a guideline to what the paintings they must have. I imagine it would look something like this.
1. No pictures of clowns, because that is just creepy
2. No pictures depicting pain in any way, for the obvious reasons
3. All pictures must devoid of any meaning or appearance of order, unless its a painting of the sea, possibly with boats.
4. All pictures must make the room inviting, but not that inviting because we are still a dentist office.
All the pictures I noticed in this office seemed to fit the criteria above except for an over sized picture of a mermaid that covered the entirety of a wall. This picture seemed too out of place and colorful. However maybe that was the good room and I was not lucky enough to get it, which seems much more likely.
P.S- I have amended what I wrote in the last blog as I have again begun to use a space heater in my room, economy or no economy
Enjoy your trips to the Dentist,
Time for Snuggie
I seem to be very unlucky when it comes to acquiring a room in a house. In the last two homes I have lived in I have been lucky enough to get the room with the outer walls. This means, since im not good at putting it in words, that the room has a wall and then immediately behind that is the outside world. Most rooms have some sort of wall or outer shell of the house or other isolation before the harsh outdoors. You might think that this does not sound that bad at all, however you have never experienced summer or winter in these rooms.
Every summer my room will get as warm as the inside of a snuggie no matter how many windows are open. This is because the room is getting directly warmed by the sun, which is very hot, at least I have heard. So throughout the summer months i find myself sleeping in the most minimal of setups, rarely using a blanket and most of the time sweating, and I don't like to shower that much. Needless to say it makes for an uncomfortable few months and makes me appreciate the ocean cooling that causes temperatures to stay below 80 most days.
In the winter time, the time this blog is being written, the room ceases to be warm or have an warm qualities at all. The thin walls that were probably thrown up by an intoxicated or at least sugar high builder put up no fight against a New England winter. This is where a snuggie should come into play, anyone want to buy me one? Regardless this horrible roll of the dice results in my feet never being warm, and my hands to constantly be frigid, which is great when girls are over. Every morning when I wake up and leave the room the rest of the house feels about 20 degrees warmer then the inside of my room. Its like the air vent is sneaking cold air in as I sleep just to spite me.
In turn I use various techniques to combat the air and have perfected staying warm, or I am just evolving. First I always wear socks, if I could give one piece of advice for staying in my room it would be buy warm socks. I also try to keep the room as light as possible so maybe it will appear warmer and I can trick myself into believing it, this is a very unproven method. I once used a space heater to alleviate the problem, this however is extremely loud and I am pretty sure doubles the electricity bill, so the economy has killed that dream as well. The best technique I have found is having some other unfortunate soul sleeping in the bed with you, thats why I would like to thank Selina for putting up with the cold and only complaining about it as much as I do.
If you cannot find a poor soul to harvest for warmth I suggest getting a pokephone, notice the invisible accent mark above the E. The pokephone is Selina's idea but I have taken the task of designing it. Essentially as she describes it, the pokephone will be able to do anything, including making you warm and allowing you to video chat with those you are on the phone with. Its a great idea and I have no idea where to start with the designing process. I don't think anyone has created something that can do everything, but I think apple is close.
The pokephone will look much better then this, I promise
In every human's life there is guaranteed to be at least one time where they question the meaning of life. I think the obvious problem with trying to determine the meaning of life as a whole is that we miss the subtle, yet more important goal, finding the meaning within life. One would figure that discovering the meaning of all life is well impossible. However one can very easily determine what gives his or her life meaning, what it is that makes your life worth having.
It seems that people get tied up in the notion that success, whether that be through a career and how much money you have, or how you are looked at by others in society, is the key to having meaning in life. These of course are the things you have control over and on any day you can change these things all on your own.
Recently I have been discovering a underlying meaning that many may either take for granted or just ignore as a meaning because it is uncontrollable. This is the idea that other people create all the meaning in your life. What is love without this exact idea? Is it that difficult to throw all other reasons and goals out the window when talking about what creates meaning in life and put it all in the hands of those around you? Well of course it is difficult because as humans we need control, we need a plan, something that we alone can take, mold, and fashion into our own meaning. Human relationships are more complex then that and scare the crap out of us.
However I have come to believe that we can have a number of people from which all meaning in life can derive. In a letter I recently received was written this sentence "Whenever I picture my future, I don't see a job, or a career, or even the place I'll be living, but I do see you."(SMS) This is what sparked this idea, that everything that society deems important can be thrown out the window in the category of importance for one person, because more meaning can be derived from a person then can be derived from any controllable element. So maybe we should let go for a moment, give in to the uncontrollable and in the end everything will work out because the people around us will make everything ok.
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